Selena’s Sobrino Report on AB Quintanilla Explains Everything

Have a time circulating the notice that Elijah Jae Quintanilla, Selena Quintanilla’s nephew, hijo by AB Quintanilla, había disappears, según reportó su propia madre, la ex del hermano de la ‘Reina del Tex-Mex’, Heather Grein through his social speeches.

In a message how late borró, the mother of the adolescent related to her hijo habría disappears the night of saturday March 20th and this relationship came from last time I saw him, “The most horrible thing is that on the 2nd of the month, when he was leaving the house crying and traveling to appear, we, located in the middle of the street. Corrí a la acera, me dijo un par de palabras, pero no lo escuché bien. To regress the mirada, I have a miscarriage, written.

If the message was eliminated, friends of the AB staff, defundieron el mensaje with the final help to Grein, who was found desperate to find, by whom can you read the message which is written in the one that describes’ n su hijo como un “Incredible child”.

This is the message with which the mad mother reported her disappearance, reposted by a friend of Heather Grein’s:

En el mensaje se puede leer: “Hello friends, my heart aches as I write this, but as a mother I can not take a stone without moving. Approximately at 8:30 in the morning, I saw Elijah Jade Quintanilla disappearing. It is not the characteristic of el, it is unbelievable, no one cares that we are concerned ”, written.

hijo ab quintanilla disappears found to salvo selena quintanilla

Including the mother of the adolescent destined the police are in charge of the search,The policy is involved and is about unmistakable pistas“, pues sus vecinos no quisieron ayudarla, “Corrí a ver a mis vecinos, tal vez estaría con alguno ellos pasande la noche. One of them, I own Joe DeAnda, in more than 3 occasions, please: ‘as a demon, Hello my property!.

The ex of AB commented that he felt ‘destroyed’ by what he was doing and pidió ayuda, “I was devastated, completely deranged by my family. For my part, if you live with me, contact me, in favor of a father to another father … ” and finally sent a message to his brother-in-law to see it published, “Jae, te queremos mucho, bevoordeel vuelve a casa.


This is a teenager’s bulletin notice, based on his own father, AB Quintanilla, who informs that his hij is meeting well and reveals his parade, “There are stories circulating that my brother Elijah was missing, that son reports false, comenzó a statement.

AB tranquilized to the fanatics saying that he is different from his wife and she is pregnant, ‘He had a look he is healthy and salvo with his abuela and his tía, comment without giving more details.

hijo ab quintanilla disappears found to salvo selena quintanilla

Finally, the hermeno de Selena Quintanilla invite your followers to be aware of their official speeches for verify the information first hand, Agradezco todos por su preocupación y siempre recuerden: vengan a mi pagina para verificar cucquier cosa que oigan sober mi. Tengan un Increíble domingo ”, finalized.
