Selena Quintanilla’s father is waiting to be filtered by his wife’s corpse

Selena Quintanilla has consolidated as one of the personalities ms importantes dentro del mundo artstico, specspecamente para el pblico de habla hispana, pues recordemos que el talent de la famosa se position as pioneer to unir con la msica to Latin culture with the estadounidense.

It’s because no result extra he understands the fenmeno que la reina del tex-mex cre con su besonders style, provoking as an oleada incomparable of popularity alrededor of his songs.

Recordem des desde temprana edad, la carrera de la interprete de Like the flower, was led and guided by his father Abraham Quintanilla, which manej from the beginning la career of the cantonment, perhaps that there is a line of personal limitations owed to the family of the young, who can not enjoy any things that any joven of his edad hara.

El peor error de su pap

The death of Selena give a big hug in the face of the fans, who have been here since recording with each one of his songs, even at the moment the escndalo nobl la memory of the mayor of women convivan and estuvieron looking for the song in each of them stages of his life.

This is without doubt included in his pap, which was devastated by the tragedy, tomo decidissings que hasta la fecha no lo dejan dormir en paz.

The dolorosa revelation that hizo the father of Selena Quintanilla was during an interview with the conductor Cristina Saralegui in the year 1995, don the father of the kantante y actriz confes que dejar abierto el atad de su hija is one of the few things he has allowed in his life.

Filter photos of Selena’s body

It was during this interview that Abraham Quintanilla Explain that they decide to expose the body of their daughter inside the attic, then it may be that the people lying around are asking if they are not of the fame, because what he opts the attic is different from.

It’s like the manager during Selena’s time, and also his stepfather, loading with the culpa, then the photos of framework of the song filter in all magazines, including some magazines and media outlets.

