Selena Quintanilla: What was the fortune of the Tex Mex queen?

Selena Quintanilla se ha consolidated as one of the most important personalities within the artistic world, specifically for the public of Habla Spanish, we can record that the talent of the famous is position as a pioneer in uniting with the music to culture latina with the estadounidense.

It is so that no result extra the understand the phenomenon that the reindeer of the tex-mex created with its particular style, provoking as an oleada incomparable of popularity alrededor of his songs.

The interpretation of ?? How is the flower ??, is recorded in the works of its multiple exits, but also, by the countless content that lives up to its name, from cosmetic products, hasta-reeks y movies.

It’s like Quintanilla logró hacerse de una ostentosa cantidad de bienes, a pesar de la short edad en la que perdió la vida luego de ser assesinada, presuntamente, por la president of his fan club, Yolanda Saldívar.

He passed away 25 years ago from the caretaker of Selena Quintanilla, but his legacy continuous has been watching for three months now on Netflix the series about the life of the afamada kantante.

Sondeverbod, suego de su muerte, se ha speculated much respect for the good materials that the famous tenia, by which continuation we make an account of the fortune of the young man who conquers millions with his charisma, belleza, y su voice.

Selena’s fortune

According to official versions, the Selena family had what they wanted patrimony, quienes son los duños de las regalías de las canciones que tanto exit tuvieron a mediados de los años 90.

The fortune that Selena Quintanilla gave away 326 miles of dollars, of the numbers, according to various communication media, the meteor is given to Chris Pérez and the other with the rest of his family.

The good ones that pose the famous vocalist of “Selena and the Dinos” established composition for the boutique de ropa que acababa de abrir que y instita value of 60 miles 601 dollars.

For these numbers, 59 million 906 dollars will be deposited in account banks and other 230 mil 589 dollars in various objects, as instruments, ropa, vehículos, muebles y joyería.

