Selena Quintanilla has a DOUBLE! and TikTok the encounter

If there are any who mark a decade and the various generations with their peculiar way of dressing and their music, she is Selena Quintanilla, for her sympathy and energetic songs, which never fail in the parties (when she has) or in the classes of zumba.

Prohibition of sins, debido ‘n su terrible asesinato, dejó huérfanos en todos sus fans del Tex-Mex. But after this, the following sequences are added to the realm of imitation and listen to their songs as many as you can at the end of the record when you live.

On this day I did not appear to know that the clergyman was visibly in the valley to the Reina del TexMex, without embarrassment, in agreement with the social red TikTok, it appears that he has a wife who he named the GEMELA of Selena Quintanilla, thanks to its incredible appearance.

Doubles on the other side of the world

In agreement with a theory that says that we have at least one gemelos in all the world, there is the possibility that haya ciudadanos promedio with the appearance of many famous and high, when its consciences of it, decided to exploit to the maximum and become popular aun tengan la gracia de la celebridad.

And just so it is suicidal to a young Cuban origin, who is ideological to the Reina del Tex-Mex ¡SELENA QUINTANILLA !. The chick is called Anais Garmendia and in the middle of her account of TikTok made the best videos through TikTok, using “lip sync” to watch songs from Selena Quintanilla.

The only way to do this is to be aware that the manner in which you live is identical Quintanilla. Además, inside his videos, treata usar vestuarios que la cantante puso de moda in la tan añorada decada de los 90.


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Ch El Chico del Apartamento 511 – Selena
