Selena and Ricky Martn fueron algo ms? And what miracles? aqu las pruebas: VIDEO

Para nadie is a secret that Selena Quintanilla and Ricky Martn are the songs of the most wanted and famous songs of the love of music in Mexico, then their songs can be sung at parties or reunions.

Lamentably, “La Reina del Tex Mex” did not enjoy its infamous fame after being assigned by one of its sequels; without embarrassment, its legacy continues in a series of biographical transmissions in the distinct digital platforms.

For its part, the performance of “Tal vez”, “Mara” and “La copa de la vida” followed the revolutionary genius, which he collaborated with artists like Maluma and his songs are a musical hit.

Now, the famous singers are conversing on the topic of conversation after the filtering of a video in which presumably has been discovered that there are only a few professorship. Here are the proofs:

The grab …

Fue en el ya lejano ao de 1992 cuando la interprete de “Como la flor” y “Amor prohibido” comparti scenarien con el famoso cantante, por lo que muchos spececularon que posiblemente fueron algo ms.

And while conducting a segment of the Lo nuestro ceremony, the singers will exchange some miraculous coquettes that will not be missed by the internet users.

In the video, a Ricky Martn con una peculiar cabellera larga is spotted; en tanto, Selena Quintanilla decidi robar suspiros con un elegante outfit que qued a la perfeccin con su und indisputable cuerpazo.

