Selección de Finlandia plays an Enrico Dueñas

Enrico Dueñas saw the sensation in the pre-Olympic tournament and his action called the attention not only in the region, but also in the close circles surrounding the football of Paises Bajos and el Vitesse, a club that has the services of the attacking pad salv.

But there is another selection that also requires its services. DEPARTMENT OF LPG agreed that this week I will read a map of the Federation of Finland showing the situation of Enrico Dueñas and the possibility of confronting him with the compromises made by the mayor’s team, which will be judged by the judge and we will accept colors of El Salvador.

Respectfully, the judge did not make an official statement. Last week, Dueñas Hernández mentioned that “I had an organ to wear the colors of El Salvador in the Pre-Olympics. It was an important experience in my career”.

The leading player in the Netherlands, the Salvadoran father and the Finnish mother, now have the decision to accept with any of the selections, always and when the Mexican technician Carlos De los Cobos takes it to the near future.

If so, Vitesse is receiving official correspondence from Finland. The interest of the judge, through his participation in the Preolympic, the other opening.

