Section 2 will add a mode that is ‘completely new to the franchise’ in 2021

Ubisoft shared details on what they can expect from The Division 2 in 2021. The plans include a new mode that, according to the development team, will differ from anything we’ve seen so far in the series. But since Ubisoft only recently decided to continue developing new content for the game, the cadence for releases will be a little different.

Ubisoft did not share what the new mode is, but said it would be ‘completely new to the franchise’, and that it was also working on new ways to keep the character of the players fresh while continuing the existing one. to play content of the game. The season 5 content that will appear soon after the game will actually reproduce the content of season 1 so that those who have not received certain rewards can finally pick it up. It is intended to keep players engaged while the development team, which now includes Ubisoft Bucharest with Ubisoft Massive, is working on brand new content.

It's a whole bunch of bullets
It’s a whole bunch of bullets

As part of the announcement, Ubisoft has also shared some stats about the game so far. Across the franchise, there were 40 million players, and one agent in the game revived another more than 27,000 times. There were also 156 billion headshots, and one agent managed to climb more than 36,000 floors in The Summit location.

There hasn’t really been a full third game from Ubisoft yet, but there was a three-year gap between the first and second games. Ubisoft Massive also has many projects on its board, including a new Star Wars game in the open world and an Avatar game. There are essentially no details known about any title, but we do know that FoxNext and Lightstorm will help with the Avatar project and that they will use the same Snowdrop engine as The Division 2.

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