second oil, covid-19 variant and hospitalized hospitals

(CNN) – A second covid-19 is looming in Brazil, plaguing hospitals and intensive care units (UCIs) in the colony and summarizing numbers of diarrheal deaths.

While a new variant of coronavirus is being propagated throughout the country, many Brazilians continue to challenge the restrictions on the use of mascara products following the example of the president, Jair Bolsonaro, who recently said he would like to mariquit * s »y de« lloriquear »for the virus.

The consequences of this combination are deadly, experts say. “We are taking care of the scenario of the beginning of the pandemic.” Solo hay que ver las tendencias en el numero promedio de muertes », dijo recently to Reuters Gonzalo Vecina Neto, profesor de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Sao Paulo. “This power has been avoided and the most important factor in its meetings.”

Brazil has beaten its property record three times this month for the number of deaths in a period of 24 hours. Wednesday, the Ministry of Health of Brazil recorded a new record devastator: 2,286 lost lives for the virus. Altesaam, knowing that more than 270,000 people have died as a result of covid-19, the one who arrived in Brazil in the second country with the mayor number of deaths after United States.

Brazil covid-19 crisis

A worker at the health service in an ambulance with a patient in Brazil, March 8.

In 22 of the 26 Brazilian states, the UCI’s occupation has surpassed 80%. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the patients of the hospitals have to file to the cameras, and the occupancy rates in the intensive care units exceed 103%. The old state of Santa Catarina has surpassed 99% of occupancy and is on the brink of collapse, while increasing the number of cases throughout the state.

A hospital and the capital of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, is an iron of the capital. David Molina, the hospital’s nurse, told CNN that his team was exhausted and exhausted.

«Estuve here during the first oil and no fue asi. We are fully equipped, with our occupancy rate up to 100%. Many of these patients who are hoping for a UCI will not be so short-lived, “said Molina during a telephone interview with CNN.

MIRA: Brazil is at the moment of the pandemic

Workers of the salute culpan to the meetings

Molina and other workers of the recent culmination of the recent increase in covid-19 cases at the large festivals and meetings that will be held around the year of Año Nuevo and will continue throughout the carnival preview of the Cuaresma and have it high. Many of these are being challenged by local restrictions.

Last week, the Rio de Janeiro alkali, Eduardo Paes, announced a new toque of queda for bars and restaurants in all cities, limiting the 6:00 am to 5:00 pm waiting time. Per cent of people are required to drive in all modes: only four on Saturday emit 230 multimillionaires related to the toque de queda, segun el gobierno de la ciudad. In a bar, with more than 200 assistants, in his masquerade, he was met at a party that lasted a long time, informs CNN Brasil, affiliated with CNN.

Many municipal and state health officials and legislators have blamed Bolsonaro’s governor for trying to stop coronavirus propagation. And the National Health Secretariat (CONASS) of the country has called on the federal government to adopt more restrictive measures to support hospitals and increase social distance.

Brazil crisis covid

A medical worker at the UCI of Ronald Gazolla Public Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, March 5.

“The health care system in Brazil is on the brink of collapse,” said Sao Paulo governor Joao Doria and CNN’s Becky Anderson during a recent interview. “No hooi a national coordination to combat the pandemic in Brazil. Important series that the president and the governors send the same message to the people, but this is, lamentably, not successful in Brazil ».

The theme of social distance media and those who have become involved in political football in Brazil. Well, Doria ordered the closure of no-nonsense negotiations during his week at the end of the week, Bolsonaro affirmed that such restrictions restricted the Brazilian economy and led to an increase in suicides and depression. an motive for organizing, congratulations to the agricultural workers in an event last week by not looking at the “like cobards” house.

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“We are trying to solve our problems.” Dejen de ser mariquitas, basta de lloriqueos, ¿quuanto tiempo van a seguir llorando? Let us face the problems, respecting the ancients, the pathogens in illness, the chronic conditions. But, where are you going to end up in Brazil if you want to date? », Dijo Bolsonaro.

This week, Bolsonaro declared that he had the “power” to declare a national leader, but never the other. “I do not have to oblige a person to lend money at home,” he said.

Temores for the new variant

With Brazilian hospitals overcharged and the governor’s officials dividing over the means of confinement, the country has strong defenses against a coronavirus variant that can be more contagious.

A preview of a new model study conducted by investigators in Brazil and the United Kingdom suggests that the variant detected by the first time in the northern city of Manaos at the end of the past year, known as P.1, can be up to 2.2 times más transferable.

The study, which has not been reviewed by publishers in a medical review, suggests that it includes people who have been exposed to the coronavirus that may be vulnerable. The same study showed that variant P.1 could increase the immunization of an anterior infection by covid-19 up to 61%.

This variant is now prevalent in patients with covid-19 in at least six Brazilian states, following a study published on the principles of this by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), an investigative institution of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. It has also detected P.1 in United States, United Kingdom and Venezuela.

“The appearance of new variants, which combine with the potential of being more transmissible as the medium of mitigation and suppression of amplitudes and articles, are very preoccupying”, writes the authors of the study, while in Brazil to encourage behavior.

MIRA: Brazilian variant of covid-19 is the most contagious and evade immune, according to study

“The data that demonstrate the prevalence of this variant in various states and its diffusion throughout the country, as well as the challenges presented by its high level of transmission, refer to the immediate need to adopt pharmaceutical drugs to reduce velocity. propagation and increases in cases ».

Felipe Naveca, virologist and investigator for Fiocruz Amazonia and one of the principal authors of the study, told CNN that it is probable that the covid-19 virus and the various variants and cephalopods were not detected.

“It’s what the viruses are: evolutionary, they are more powerful. The only form of detention that is contained in this propaganda, by which we must restrict media, has no other solution. Including the Governor decrees a national court, we need the people to adhere. The action of each of us impacts everything in conjunction “, said Naveca.


The hope will be on the truck, in the form of vacancies. Pero de spligue de la vacacacion in Brasil fue lento in comparison with other countries, including other countries in the region, like Chile and Mexico.

In addition, the health regulator Anvisa authorizes the use of emergency vehicles for Sinovac and Oxford / AstraZeneca. Of these, approximately 4% of the 211 million citizens of Brazil received less than a dose of vaccine, according to data from the Ministry of Health of Brazil, and 2.3 million received the dose.

According to the Ministry of Health, Brazil is in negotiations to buy also the vacancies Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, Sputinik and Covaxin, even only the vacancy Pfizer / BioNTech between them has received authorization from Anvisa.

Bolsonaro has been promoted for a long time to the Oxford / AstraZeneca fleet as the only one to respond, discounting and discrediting many of the other vacancies in the market, including Pfizer. The Minister of Health of Brazil, Eduardo Pazuello, has included a August offer from Pfizer to buy up to 70 million doses of his vaccine.

“Pfizer says this is very clear in the contract, ‘we are not responsible for any collateral secondary effect’ … if you are convinced in a caiman, it’s your problem,” Bolsonaro said in December. “If you are attracted to Superman, or if you want to create the barbeque to be female, then the voice of a man is agile, saying that he has nothing to do with it.”

But a studio of New England Journal of Medicine suggest now that the Pfizer / BionTech vaccine could neutralize “efficiently” variant P.1. The announcement was made when Bolsonaro held a virtual meeting with the executive director of Pfizer Global, Albert Bourla, and other executives to negotiate the purchase of 100 million vacancies.

“Agreements are this meeting and we will meet Pfizer as a major global company,” said Bolsonaro, during an extract from the meeting posted on his official Twitter account. “Our taste buds are close to ours, due to the aggressiveness of this virus in Brazil”.

For now, Brazil’s phrase to contain the virus is more than an advertisement for the world. Dr. Michael Ryan, Executive Director of the Health Emergency Program of the World Health Organization, said in an informative session last week that the case study will increase the number of cases in other countries.

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“History in Brazil can be repeated and repeated in other places if we are to implement the means we need to implement,” he said. “The lands are to be sacrificed with a threshing floor and a quarter of a hill if we do not take care of it”.

For Molina, the nursing home of Santa Catarina, the future of Brazil looks even gloomier than ever.

“Unfortunately, we do not believe we will learn the lesson,” said Molina. «Nosotros [los trabajadores de la salud] we are married, married and we are nurses. Our impotent feelings. We need a more coordinated action and we want to avoid that you want to succeed ».

Marcia Reverdosa notified Sao Paulo and Flora Charner of Atlanta.
