Sebastián Rulli’s father recovers through a tragedy

One week that the father of Sebastián Rulli suffers a cerebral palsy, the actor shared in his social speeches the medical evolution of his father, screener Oscar Rulli. To be sure of him and his desires, the actor travels to Spain and has the testimony of the recovery of his father and the desire that he can do all the days to pay for it and recover his health.

Sebastián Rulli© @ sebastianrulli
The 45-year-old actor has been in charge of his family for some time now

In his Instagram profile, moenie die 10 millones de seguidores, the artist dio a visit to his fans of his dad’s progress, of which he declared total admirer of his fortuitous incansable nie. “Hoy la vida me regala la oportunidad de admirar más a la persona se imempre he admirado por sobre todas las cosas !! #grandePa #jefedejefes #mipadre # teamopapá #sisepuede #esunalucha #losRulliseanunidos #nopainnogain #actitudpositiva #goodvibes ”, the actor commented along with an image in which he donated Oscar in his rehabilitation therapies.

Sebastián Rulli papá© @ sebastianrulli
The actor accompanies his father in his recovery

Debate that if a cerebral palsy suffers, the actor’s father loses the mobility in the middle of his body, because he tends to take physical therapy to recover the movement and valor by himself.

Many fans of Sebastián reacted to the post and the best they did to his family for his dad’s recovery. In addition to his followers, colleagues from the media and close friends will also show up. Angelique Boyer , who has a solid novelty with the actor since 2014, commented the following: “👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 los Rulli unidos jamás serán vencidos ❤️❤️❤️ ustedes son un ejemplo ✨✨✨ y eloror por tu papa es su gran motor! Anime ❤️los amo! ”, Escribió la actriz de origen francés.

One week ago, the actor diocated in his social speeches that, in full pandemic, had traveled to Málaga, to the south of Spain, living in the one where his dad lives. Explained that his journey was not a place to work, but to accompany his parents in a time when he was alive. “This is not a place to be,” he said in his social speeches. “Wine because the 1st of March my father suffers a cerebral tremor that he dies with the middle of the paralyzed body”, revealed.

Sebastián Rulli and his dad© @ sebastianrulli
Del baúl de los recuerdos … Sebastián Rulli de niño con su papá
