Sebastián Rulli reveals that his father passed for a moment

For Sebastián Rulli, the most important thing is the well-being of his family, because, given the recommendations to stay at home, the actor has to travel to Spain to support them. In a series of videos shared on social media, Angelique Boyer’s newcomer explores the fact that there is no place to go, a lack of personal importance, but his father, Óscar Rulli, sufrió a cerebral derrame that the day with the middle of the paralyzed body.

Sebastián Rulli© @ sebastianrulli
Sebastián Rulli verklaar ‘n sus fans la razón por la que tenía que overjar a España

“¡Llegué! Ya stay in Madrid, as can be seen, with much freedom ”, account of the camera room to show off its journeys in the new normalcy. Without hesitation, Rulli vio about the Madrid climate comment that he has so much to say about social media. Without embarrassment, it was only for a short time that he hoped to cross the border of Malaga, Andalusia, where his family lives.

“It’s not a place to be,” he said, “for women who think that security protocols can be broken into diversion.” “Wine because the 1st of March my father suffers from a cerebral cerebral cortex that dies at the center of the paralyzed body”, revealed without rodeos.

Sebastián Rulli© @ sebastianrulli
The actor acudió llamado known to support what he needs

Rulli continues: “Fueron días muy complicados en casa y tiene que empezar la rehabilitación, así que estoy por esa razon, para brindarle todo mi amor, todo mi apoyo y seguir admirándolo com emempre porque es un guerrero que l da ememplo de luch perseverance and you are equal to him ”.

The chair for his father reflects on his eyes and has the power to protect the lounges and a black cube with which he protects himself at the airport and the airports. “Because it is here to support and so it has been a bit awkward”, aggregate of unusual way, then no details of its private life. “But I believe that the life of a living person is not a thing of the past,” he concluded.

Camino a casa

A variety of flight times, Sebastián Rulli is most active in his family’s home. From the costs of Gibraltar, the actor obtains to his followers a virtual tour to announce exactly where to find. “Here is the Strait of Gibraltar”, explained the zone around a Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, in the south of Spain.

Sebastián Rulli© @ sebastianrulli
The actor shares the vista that can admire from the family of his family
