Sebastián Rulli is seen with his father in Spain through cerebral palsy

“I am (in Spain) for that reason, for brindarle to all my love, to all I support and to admire as always because there is a warrior that I have the example of lucha, perseverance and you are equal to him, as well as related to be aquí para apoyarlo ”, aseguró af Instagram stories.

Since then Rulli has found in his Stories the perfect medium to communicate to his followers the lead in his dad’s salute. The pilgrimage has taken place and is now undergoing therapy to recover mobility.

PREMIUM EXC Sebastián Rulli
Rulli did not give up on his dad at these difficult times.

“How great is the opportunity to admire more than the person who has always admired all things!”, Writes the protagonist of El Dragón together with a photograph of his father in therapy. Hashtags like # teamopapá #sisepuede #esunalucha #losRulliseanunidos y #actitudpositiva acompañaron su post.
