Sebastián Jurado saldrá de Cruz Azul debids a renovation of Corona

Mexico City /

Mientras Jesus Corona follow up with plastic sheets for your renovation with Cruz Azul, the new directive celeste parece armar un plan par que Sebastián Jurado connect more fogueo than what Chuy deja la portería cementera.

Según ESPN, the dome celeste parece llegar a un acuerdo con Corona for the relationship, which lasted a little over 10 years, siga cricending with the renovation of the door contract that comes in its nearest verano.

As such, the portal portals that it seeks a presidency in Jurassic for not holding on to the bank and giving it more fog, including, the audition and its allegiance to some club to take over title.

In addition, it is reported that the club is claiming an increase in cases in which the club that acceded to the award planted the idea of ​​acquiring cancer cancer for 23 years, it is debatable that there is no doubt that it can be done without the batuta in la Máquina tras una futura salida de Chuy.
