Search for Joao Maleck in the Tepatitlán de la Liga de Expansión

ESPN Digital can assume that there are plots between the player and the Tepatitlán of the Expansion League, although at the moment there is no company

GUADALAJARA – Joao Maleck there is a step backwards in the case where the negotiations that take place are concrete Orlegi Group and the team Tepatitlán of the Expansion League.

ESPN Digital know that the negotiations of a good truck, but at the moment, according to those involved in the operation, have not signed anything, although they are doing the opposite.

The information provided by David Medrano has been transferred in the form of an intermediary, without embarrassment.

ESPN Digital you can make sure that there is a high level of interest in ‘Tepa’, even if the plates are maintained without any firm agreement.

As a result of the negotiation, there is a strategy that should be developed for the possible legacy of the footballer.

Also, it is known that Grupo Orlegi contacted a Tepatitlán to evaluate the possibility of incorporating a Maleck, situation that the jalisciense club is in agreement with, but without closing the moment.

It will be in the course of the month that vuelvan the negotiations, by which the incorporation of the player into the Tepatitlán, which started the season in the Expansion League, is not discussed. Maleck salió hace poco de la carcel, luego de haber sido enjuiciado por homicidio culposo.
