Se captta Lebron James celebrating Victoria ante Stephen Curry

The player of the Lakers of the Angels, LeBron James be excited to go to your rival Stephen Curry y los Warriors.

Tras a dominant team victory of the Lakers ante los Golden State Warriors, LeBron James mustr toda his congratulations on the bench of the Lakers, algo que pocas veces lo habíamos visto en jugador, quien suele estar muy sereno on the bench.

Here is the video:

LeBron James establishment como suele estar un niño cuando esta muy, pero muy feliz, al parecer disfruta mucho las victorias ante el equipo de los Golden State Warriors, will be promoted to Lebron James on 3 occasions in the Finals of the NBA.

Stephen Curry y LeBron James always will be rivals for their epic battles in June, the Lakers will fight the Warriors in one of these days, we will see that happens with this fight, which promises to be very emotional.
