Sculpture with vulva shape causes controversy in Brazil

(CNN) – A huge horrific hurricane that appeared to be a human vulva caused a riot in Brazil.

The 33-meter-long manhole floor is the work of visual artist Juliana Notari, who installed it at the Artillery Ladder, a rural art park in the city of Pernambuco, in the north of Brazil.

Notary public has a post about the work, titled “Diva”, on Facebook on December 30. Alli detail will work more than 20 men in the high-rise maneuver, which has 16 meters of anchor and 6 meters of depth.

In the publication, he says that the work claims “to question the relationship between nature and culture in our phalocentric and anthropocentric occidental society” and to make sure that the people question the “problematization of gender”.


The ‘Diva’ school is located in the Pernambuco Art Farm in Brazil. (Credit: Juliana Notari)

For some time now, it has been evident that it has been successful, with comments commenting on Facebook’s work.

“The sexual organ was not created to be admired, and much less to be called art,” wrote a Facebook user. “It’s bad taste and inconvenience and has no meaning. Hiciste esto porque sabías que habría critique y eso es lo que querías, publicity », agregó.

Other comments contain religious references or misogyny. Up to a maximum of 25,000 comments will be published on Monday.

“It’s not enough to see many women showing off their clothes, wearing shorts or miniskirts, now having a vagina in an open camp,” he said. “This, for me, can never be called art,” he said.

Olavo de Carvalho, quoted as an ideological influence on Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, spoke about the work of art on Twitter with an obscene comment referring to a male reproductive organ.

What is the purpose of this sculpture with vulva shape?


A post about the work of art that appears to be a human vulva has attracted miles of comments on Facebook. (Credit: Juliana Notari)

Sondeverbod, otros elogiaron la escultura con vulva forma, including Kleber Mendonça Filho, director of cinema.

“Well done, Juliana Notari, suggests that men screen a 30-meter vagina in Pernambuco, during Bolsonaro’s presidency”, tuiteó. “The reaction to the work of art reflects its success,” he said.

One of Brazil’s most famous cartoonists, Laerte Coutinho, a trans woman, also interviewed on Twitter, donde writing que «hay mucho en qué pensar con este trabajo».

“Diva” is the ultimate in a series of works in which Notaries embrace the idea of ​​heredity.

“He’s one of the biggest heroes he’s created,” CNN said. “This heredity is, without embarrassment, definitely less in comparison with the traumas of slavery, the unprotected employment, the ecocidio and the traumas of violence that occurred in this Usina, as well as other private colonial properties.”


‘Diva’ is a work by artist Juliana Notari, photographed here. (Credit: Juliana Notari)

Notari le dijo is a CNN that is surprised by the response. “Although it is an impactful art work, it is thought that the people would think it would have something that would have a massive effect on social media,” he explained.

Bolsonaro is known for his extreme right-wing diatribas and his machete actions against women. También has also appointed artists, and in December 2019 one of its main cultural functionaries will advise the people who listen to rock music to conduct drugs, sex, abortions and satanism.

The artists did not call him before these attacks. Notaries are among those who criticize Bolsonaro.

“‘Diva’ is a ‘possibility’ because it traverses Brazil’s structural patriarchy, which is constantly being refuted by Jair Bolsonaro’s extreme right-wing audio discourse,” CNN said.

Ana Rosado made a contribution.
