Scientists hallan pistes from which the AstraZeneca vaccine could provoke collisions

The New York Times.

The doctors quiza hayan averiguado por qué la vacuna contra la covid-19 de AstraZeneca may provoke one sanguine coagulas potentially lethal in some very rare cases.

The discovery, made with a pair of informations that will publish the fires in the online edition of the New England Journal of Medicine, will be key to the global vacancy statement of AstraZeneca, to help develop effective treatments for the secondary effect y proveer pistas sobre cómo refinar the vacuna to solve the problem, assurur the experts.

But it is also possible to impede the efforts that the vaccine will be approved in the United States, where it is three vacancies available.

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La vacancy of AstraZeneca want to make sure people like you develop one anticuerpos which is directed to a protein of human body called factor 4 plaque (PF4, by its seal in English), which makes the plaques enter into action and activate a coagulation cascade, explains the collaborator of the information, Dr. Theodore Warkentin, Professor of Pathology and Molecular Medicine at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.

“It’s a anticuerpo that the vacuna active of some form, and in some cases it results in an unusual coagulation of thea song“, according to Warkentin.

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Secondary effects

The phenomenon is similar to a rare secondary pharmacological effect that provokes heparin, an anticoagulant, and is known as thrombocytopenia induced by heparin, Warkentin signaled.

The secondary effects of coagulation of the vaccine are as common as the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as the Regulatory Agency for Medicines and Products of the Health of the United Kingdom has decided to maintain in the market, concluding that its benefits superan to his riesgos, anotó AstraZeneca in a communiqué.

Without embarrassment, the label of the vaccine is updated to mention the coagulation of the blood as a potentially extremely rare secondary effect.

“AstraZeneca has been very active in collaborating with regulators to implement these changes in product information, and is working to understand individual cases, epidemiology and possible mechanisms that could explain these events, which are extremely rare” of the company.

By April 4, the EMA had received information from 169 cases of bullets in the brain and 53 cases of abdominal bullets between 34 million AstraZeneca doses administered by all of Europe, according to Reuters.

And Reino Unido, 19 people like him muerto por sanguine coagulas graves related to the window, CNN reported.

The cases of coagulum appear to be related to the anticoagulant heparin


Of the three vacancies against the COVID-19 that were distributed in the United States (Pfizer and Modern) did not show any secondary effect of this type. However, the firefighters, the European drug regulators, are in the process of informing one of the rare blood clots in four people who are receiving the vaccine against Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19. Of the four cases, three cases in the United States during the evacuation and a murmur, the case was reported in a clinical unit, according to CNBC.

One of the new informants about the AstraZeneca vaccine is focusing on 11 patients in Germany and Austria who are developing serious problems with coagulation during evacuation, while the other review shows the cases of five health workers, from 32 to 54 which will reduce the secondary effect.

The tests reveal that all patients have developed complications of coagulation of the PF4 genus similar to those that provoke heparin, although no one has received the anticoagulant.

These new hallucinations are nowhere near the path of medicine on which one can close an excessive coagulation while receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine, according to Dr. William Schaffner, Professor of Infectious Diseases at the Vander Medical Center.

“Hasta ahora, se enfoca en unos grupos de edad más jóvenes, pero no podemos determiner por adelantado quiens son son esas personas. , planted by Schaffner.

But the hallucinations can help orient the treatment of people who develop symptoms similar to the hepatic thrombocytopenia, according to Warkentin.

“If there are any sinful cinemas or more dias that are exposed to the vaccine, there is a cabbage dollar or neurological syndromes, or a pain or anomalous maladaptation pain, then the person receiving the vaccine will have to pay attention.” Important is that the clinical professionals who evaluate the patient sabrian come to search “.
