Scientists do not know why one third of the American rivers turned yellow or green

Satellite images of rivers in the US have revealed a disturbing color-changing trend: over the past three decades, a third of the early blue rivers have turned yellow or green. The discovery comes after an analysis of nearly 235,000 images taken from 1984 to 2018. Among the rivers that change color, 56 percent were mostly yellow and 38 percent mostly green.

The findings, published in the journal Geophysical research letters, comes from a team of researchers who wanted to use the color of water to provide insight into the health of a river. It may sound like a simple technique that even non-scientists can do, but the scientific community has apparently avoided color observations in favor of obtaining real river samples.

It would be good if samples were not so scarcely obtained.

“Rivers are one of the most endangered ecosystems worldwide,” the authors wrote, “but we do not have a broad understanding of their changing ecology, as this is rarely sampled.”

A Map of River Colors Across the USA / J. Gardner et al. / Gardner Hydrology Lab

The team therefore thought that broad, visual observations of river colors could help when it came to the health of rivers with little data. By observing the color, researchers can also give a better idea of ​​current trends, patterns and alarm areas. And nowadays, the quality of satellite imagery is so good that it can make river control much easier.

“[River color] is a very simple measure, “lead author John Gardner told WordsSideKick. But it can be used to identify areas that are changing really fast. “

The research team also drew the river colors on an interactive map, giving an excellent look at the changes in the sky.

But what do the colors of the river mean? Well … scientists are not quite sure yet. Sometimes rivers change color due to sediment flowing down during seasonal snowmelt. Sometimes rivers have a period in which a lot of algae temporarily turn green. Other times, human activity causes a disruption in the environment that changes the water quality and therefore the color.

It really depends on what is normal for the river, which is why observing their color can be so important. It is not uncommon for rivers to be blue, green, yellow or even brown. But if there is a sudden change, it could be an indication that something is going wrong.

“Most rivers change gradually and have not been noticed by humans,” Gardner explained to Live Science. “But areas that change the fastest are more likely to be man-made.”

Although more research is needed to know exactly what the color changes mean, the authors maintain that the detection of “water color can determine the rivers that undergo rapid environmental change and can work on understanding rivers on a continental scale.”
