Scientists create the first embryos with cells of human mothers, mitad monos | News Univision Ciencia

An international group of scientists has unfolded for the first time embryos human and monolithic cell mixture.

The specialists have injected cells into human embryos in primate embryos that make sure that the embryos create up to 20 days.

To log in, each mono embryo injects 25 cells of human fat known as “cells of multiple pluripotent extensions” (EPSC, by its English flags), which have the potential to contribute to the tejidos embryonarios y extraembrionarios.

After a day, the detectives detect Human cells in 132 embryos.

The finalization of this new scientific development, here is an article published in the scientific journal Cell, it treats hallar new forms of organ production for people who need transplants.


Although the results are a relevant advance in cellular research material, it is also worthwhile about the month a series of preoccupations, especially bioethical.

Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, Professor of the Laboratorio de Expresión Genética del Instituto Salk de Ciencias Biologógicas en La Jolla, California, and author head of the esta investigación del estudio aseguró a la cadena NPR that the demand for organs is much mayor that the existence of the same.

“The organ transplant is one of the main problems of medicine”, Indicó.

Respectively, Insoo Hyun, a case specialist in biotechnology at Case Western Reserve and Harvard University, assured that miles of people died each year in the United States in the hope of an organ transplant.

For this reason, in the last few years, “some investigators in the EU and other countries have been injecting cells into human embryos in ova and eggs to see if, possibly, podrian develop human organs in their animals for transplants ”.

Izpisua, who is a Spanish scientist, justifies that in the news “we can carry out certain types of experiments in humans, it is essential that we have more models to study and understand with the mayor the precision of biology and human methods”.


Loose embryos that contain cells of two distinct species if the denominations “quimeras”.

Scientists have created chimeras from decades ago; the first fatalities are, and since 40 years ago, human cells have been injected with the intention of studying the slow-moving processes.

The relevance of the investigation, in which Chinese researchers and researchers from Kunming participate, is that it is the first time that the first “mono-human quiver” is created.

The Chinese group generates a technology that allows the embryos of mono-permanent life and can create the body during a prolonged period of time.

“The generation of a chimera between human and non-human primates, a species most strikingly related to humans at the length of the evolutionary time line that all species previously used, will allow us to understand more if existing barriers are to evolve. if they exist, we will be superlatives “, added Izpisua.

