Scientific proven drug to PREVENIR the Covid-19

Scientific from Gran Bretaña are trying a new one medicine who can log that women are exposed to coronavirus no desarrollen la enfermedad. The drug promises a protection intermediates that play a vital role in reducing the impact of the virus in the world.

According to the British Diary The Guardian, therapy with antipyretic drugs can provide immediate treatment against the disease and can be administered as an emergency medicine and help contain new crimes. check in La Verdad News the information.

Prevenir el covid-19.

This is the first medicine to prevent covid-19. photo: elindependiente

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Pharmacy against coronavirus

This pharmacy was developed by the University College London Hospitals NHS (UCLH) and AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical company that, together with the University of Oxford, developed one of the vacancies against the coronavirus.

The new drug was developed with a combination of prolonged-action anticonvulsant drug known as AZD7442. In the case of anti-body products produced by the body, AZD7442 uses monoclonal anti-body forces that are created in a laboratory.

Catherine Houlihan, the virologist who directs the medical examinations at The Guardian who has been at the scene, has injected 10 participants, among them, staff, students and other people, who were exposed to viruses in the hospital, at a detention center medicine or in student residences.

The medicine promises an intermediate protection that can play a vital role in reducing the impact of the virus in the world, hasta todaas las persona hayan sido immununes.

“The use of this drug is the proportion of anti-inflammatory drugs”.

Medicamento, covid-19.

This medicine can prevent covid-19. photo: consultorsalud

Houlihan recorded that the vacancies in proportion to the entire unit had only one month of application.

The team engaged in unveiling the new drug hopes that the test demonstrates that the anti-cancer drugs can protect against COVID-19 during a period of six to 12 months.

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Available in March

If all goes well, the medicine will be available from March to April in the United Kingdom and will be approved by sanitary regulators, according to which revised evidence of its functioning.

The new COVID-19 chain continues to be extended worldwide. Síguenos and Google News and all the details.
