Scientific identifiers of the new variants of coronavirus in the United States

New York – Investigators of estates have detected the variants of EARS-CoV-2 which can be more contagious and behaves in a manner similar to the British, following the conclusions of a preliminary study published this week, in which it is stated that one of them is dominant in the capital of Ohio.

One of the variants has a manner similar to that of Britain, while the other is a no-brainer for the investigators and has become dominant in the state capital of Ohio, Columbus, in just a few weeks.

The variant “of Columbus has the genetic basis of similar cases that we studied, but presents three mutations that signify a very important evolution”, indicates the pathology professor of the University of Ohio, Dan Jones, participant in the study.

According to Jones, the new variant “has increased the transmission (of the coronavirus) compared to variants” and considered that means to restrict displacement do not have to be sufficient to prevent its extension.

These variants originated in mutations within the United States and were not imported into other countries since March, when they began to follow up, an effort that has accelerated the prevalence of these countries.

The investigation, which has not been reviewed by the scientific community, indicates that the coronavirus is experiencing a period of significant changes in its genetic composition.

Although it is very easy to determine when contagious are the new cephalopods, the virus lives in the population for many months and is experimenting.

The investigators also record that it is very prone to saber if the new variants do not respond to the vacancies, which in the United States have been summoned to the risk population since December.

The Casa Blanca working group suggests that we start a “variant study” to judge the extent of infections in the last months in the country.

The United States is estimated to have between 200,000 and 300,000 infected COVID-19 with more than 4,000 dead on the day.
