Scandal! Raphy Pina acaba to ask Don Omar

A new controversy ensues over Latin music. El mánager de Daddy Yankee and promised by Natti Natasha, Raphy Pina, amenazó a Don Omar with demand for defamation.

Pina amenaza con una demanda a Don Omar

“Pal culo no hay yeso, mark the calendar, Chota no caiga preso y contra sicarios / Va sin anestesia, yo mismo te rotulo, Chota con vigencia, yo mismo te postulo (Pina)”, de la cual Pina se hizo vrag.

“Chota” is a term used in Puerto Rico to refer to those people who collaborated with the police. A soup, in other words. A legal document has been issued stating that if Don Omar does not issue a complete retraction, he will be summoned to the Justice of the United States to demand damages.

“I’m living one of the best stages of my life. I’m happy, I’ve been a participant in these high places. Sr. Landron has launched in the last post directly to my person. Not so Calle. But it is clear that living that number is without reason, that it is worthwhile to look at the pizagram. Cordiale te dejo esta carta, que ya la tuviste which has been received by the 21 million fanatics since the life of the game has not been played. My Respect and Reputation the following defend the last.

Att Tu driver Favorito. Cc. @donomar “, written by Pina.

And you, What do you think you will end up with?
