Scalise avoids Trump blaming Capitol riot after Mar-a-Lago visit

House Minority Whip Steve ScaliseStephen (Steve) Joseph ScaliseSunday preview: CDC school reunion lead to debate; Texas’s fights winter freeze The Hill’s Morning Report – Disaster policy hinders Cruz, Cuomo Trump-McConnell rift splits GOP donors MORE (R-La.), Who last week visited President TrumpDonald Trump Governors in hot water over their coronavirus response DOJ investigates whether Alex Jones and Roger Stone played the role in riots on January 6: WaPo Did Biden only endorse ‘human rights with Chinese characteristics’? MORE at Mar-a-Lago, on Sunday dismissed Trump’s guilt for the deadly riot at the Capitol.

Scalise told Jonathan “This Week” presenter Jonathan Karl that during a visit to Florida, a visit to Florida to the former president, he was raising money when asked if he was talking to Trump about the responsibility for a crowd of his supporters confirming the Capitol during Congress’ official election college President BidenJoe Biden Nearly 70 deaths in countries with severe winter weather: report Two more deaths confirmed in Louisiana were linked to serious winter weather lawyer filing lawsuit to reverse election results in 2020, referred by judge for discipline‘s victory. The House has indicted Trump on his role in the siege, and the Senate has acquitted the former president in a trial.

“I was in fundraising in Florida in a number of parts of Florida, ended up on Mar-a-Lago and the president came out and we visited it,” Scalise said. ‘I’ve not seen him since he left the White House, and it was actually good to catch up with him. I noticed that he was much more relaxed than his four years in the White House. ”

“It was a conversation more about how he’s going now and what he plans to do and how his family is doing,” Scalise said.

Karl later referred to comments by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthyKevin McCarthy Trump speaks at CPAC in first public appearance since leaving the White House GOP: McConnell-Trump Civil War Will Hurt Republican 17 State Attorney General to Cancel K in Student Loan Debt MORE, who on the night of January 6, Trump blamed entirely for the riot comments the California Republican later.

Scalise replied that “there is a lot of debt to go around.”

“At the end of the day, the people who stormed the Capitol on January 6, it was a disgrace and they should be held accountable,” Scalise said.

“It’s obvious,” Karl replied. “I’m asking about the role of Donald Trump in this.”

Scalise then switched to the topic of Trump’s second indictment, where defense attorneys showed a mashup video of Democrats using the word ‘fight’ in political speeches in connection with Trump’s ‘fight like hell’ phrase used during a speech just before rioters stormed the Capitol.

‘All they’ve done since day one [he] office step in trying to accuse him, ”Scalise said.

“Are you saying he does not bear responsibility then?” Ask Karl.

“Look, President Trump has denounced what happened, and I think everyone should have been unequivocal in condemning what happened not only on January 6, but also during the summer,” Scalise said, referring to protests. which last year sometimes became violent after several deaths of Black Americans under the hands of the police.

“Let’s generally go and say anyone who uses violence to settle political disputes, there is no place for it in America, and it should be disputed unequivocally,” Scalise said.
