Say that the captain is changed and corrected by the calls

Rafael Amaya’s intimate life follows a conversation theme, y es que apenas hace unos días, el actor annunio su probable regreso a la pantalla chica, pero ahora parece que las cosas no andan bien la la strella de El Señor de los Cielos.

And it’s the TVNotas magazine published some images, in those that appeared can be the protagonist of telenovelas, affected and correlated by the calls from Tijuana, then it can be said that Rafa finds himself in an alterated mental state, which he creates that he intends to sequester.

¿YA LU VISTE? Rafael Amaya surprises everyone and reappears with the “Pesed Artillery”

According to this Mexican publication, the actor escaped from the house while living in the company of his family alrededor de la una de la mañana, y corrió descontrolado par el Boulevard Agua Caliente y Avenida Tapachula, alterando el flujo de las vialidades.

Posteriormente, Rafael, presumably, receiving help from a conductor who took it to a gas station to prevent the actor from suffering any harm.

TODOS LOS DETAIL: Roberto Tapia trusts la forma and is surrounded by a Rafael Amaya and a hotel

“Fortune does not have this much transit and corrosion with the certainty of not being atrophied and in one of them losing life. By graceful divine, a conductor, without knowing who to treat, detuvo and the metoí in his car to avoid driving him to the atropellar and taking him to a gasoline-powered front of the Hotel Marriot to get trans”, Berig ó un fuente cercana al actor a la revista.

Sondeverbod, tras el revuelo que causauron estas postales, Karen Guedimin, the manager of Rafael Amaya Salió, explained that the photos were made in context, and that he has no family in this place and that the actor is only looking for a taxi to translate, which he echoes on the Mexican version of the publication.

