Satellogic, the Argentine company associated with Elon Musk’s SpaceX

(CNN Español) – Always a particular company and now associate with another very peculiar. First, by its activity: the construction and launch of satellites to observe the Earth. Luego, by its origins: Satellogic is a South American company created in 2010 by Argentine buyers to launch satellite satellites with conventional numbers.

The first, launched in 2013, was the official number CubeBug-1, but Captain Beto paid tribute to the song composed by Argentine musician Luis Alberto Spinetta in honor of Norberto “Beto” Alonso, the legendary River Plate legend. Manolito was the second, an allusion to the character of Mafalda’s stories. Other fairgrounds such as Milanesat, Fresco and Batata, a guinea fowl popular in Argentine gastronomy. The company has been able to orbit 21 satellites.

«In Satellogic we are building satellites for the observation of the Earth. Our satellites will take care of what we allow to happen on the planet in a very high resolution to monitor the infrastructure of forestry infrastructure “, explains Emiliano Kargieman, cofounder of the company.

Essentially, the satellites and surrounding planes of the Earth, which allow them to have images that lie transformed into information that succeeds in the surface of the planet for various uses.

Designed satellites in Argentina, built in Uruguay

The design and operation of its satellites in Argentina, based on the construction in Uruguay, two countries that are not characterized by its special activity and less than the private sector.

“One has the idea that everything that has to do with a satellite and with space is more central in the United States, in Russia, now with China. And when it comes to choosing a company from South America, it’s a rare rarity, ”Kargieman doubled.

“We are operating in a mountain range. All that is the investigation and development of the satellites that are happening in Argentina, where we have the largest team of engineers and the operation of the satellites. The manufacture, assembly and testing of the satellite antiquities launched in Uruguay will give us a Montevideo near integration plant “, agree.

Many other activities are carried out in offices distributed in Spain, Israel, the United States and China. “In Barcelona we analyze the results of what comes in satellites, are packaged for integration with customers and develop solutions for customers. And the Tel Aviv tenemos is a piece of equipment for the software. We have ten teams of development teams in United States and Beijing, although our commercial team, in general, is well distributed worldwide. “We are locating each of the company’s portions, but we have ten ten and we are thinking in principle of a multinational peek”, Kargieman explains.

The agreement with Space X

But now, a decade of operating, the company is firmly committed to SpaceX, to launch and launch its new products. Elon Musk’s aerospace company will be in charge of providing satellite satellites. This alliance allows Satellogic to reduce downtime between flights and the orbit of its satellites, thanks to the frequent launch program of Musk.

We are happy to coordinate the Multiple Launching Service (MLA) with SpaceX, our main company for special launches. We hope that this is the beginning of a long series of pubs in the form of a conjunctive during the display of our constellation “, Kargieman wrote in his official account on Twitter to realize the announcement.

SpaceX, which in the last few days has been notified by the spectacular images of the explosion of a prototype of one of its cohorts that intends to send to Marte, is another company that has revolutionized the aerospace world, among other things, with its reusable cohorts.

Both companies have a vertical approach that allows them to reduce costs and shorten times. SpaceX, for example, manufactures its cohesive components and lies in its launch. Satellogic, for its part, has everything related to its satellites.

First mission

“I am the first observation company of the Tierra that is integrated vertically. These are our designs and manufactures one of the sensors and components that van on our satellites. We integrate our satellites, operations and then we provide the information and transformations on which we serve the users. It’s a rank of point to point. “We are the only company in the world that wants and has some ways to do what we can to pay the costs that our permit will carry out against our vision,” Kargieman said.

The first mission with SpaceX will take place in June next year, when new satellite companies of the company will be launched orbit. Satellogic will complete the first stage of its observation observation of the Tierra for fines of 2022, which will allow the totality of the surface of the planet to be semantically and in high resolution.

After complete three launches in 2020, the capacity of Satellogic’s orbit will allow it to have four daily revisions of points of interest in the Tierra and the recapitalization of more than 4 million square kilometers per day in dates of.

With the launches planned with SpaceX for the next two years, the company will meet with more than 300 microsatellites in orbit and will be able to carry out diary formations. All operated from South America.
