Sarah Thomas has history as the first woman to officiate in a Super Bowl

Official Sarah Thomas will serve as Juez de Downs in the Carl Cheffers quadrille of the Super Bowl LV, announced by the NFL this March

Sarah Thomas convert my entry into the first female to become an official Super Bowl, announced the NFL este martes. Thomas will serve as Juez de Downs in the quadrille of Referi Carl Cheffers for the Super Bowl LV off Tampa, Florida.

Thomas is united to the NFL in 2015 as its first official on the playing field. La liga arma su cuadrilla de Super Bowl based on flexibility – it requires a minimum of five years of experience– as is the case with time. She has posted a total of four post-season games in her six years in the league.

In a statement, the Vice President of Operations of the NFL, Troy Vincent, dijo: “Sarah Thomas ha hecho historia nuevamente al ser la primera mujer official para un Super Bowl. Su Su desempeño de elite y compromiso con la excelencia le han ganado der dercho de officier en el Super Bowl. Congratulations to Sarah in this very merciful honor “.

Cheffers will be working on their second Super Bowl in five seasons, also serving as a team leader for the Super Bowl LI.

Other four members of the quadrille –el Referee Fred Bryan, Juez de Línea Rusty Baynes, Lateral Eugene Hall y Juez de Fondo Dino Paganelli– he worked at least one Super Bowl. El Juez de Campo James Coleman complete the cuadrilla.
