Sara Carbonero, wife of Iker Casillas, underwent emergency surgery

Mexico City /

Sara Carbonero fue ingresada de emergencia este martes a causa de una recaida a consecuencia del ovarian cancer which presented by 2019. The company Iker and his family in a Madrid Hospital recovering from a surgery.

Sara was operated on with success in the Clinique Universidad de Navarra af Madrid, así lo señaló la revista Hola. His recovery on a good truck, as he posted to his Instagram account a nice video with two cockroaches demonstrating that it is maintained positiva ante la adversidad.

Sara poco a poco has resumed her life and work as a periodical, regressing to work in Mark, house that life grows in the periodism deportivo.

The alarms are being fired while assisting with its radio program this March 9th. If the reason for the emergency is due to the operation, only if the recovery is successful.

Iker Casillas is with Sara

Iker fue photographed this Wednesday school leading his friends to college and then to the clinic donde if the molestation is committed to the presence of the press in a moment so delicate.
