Sara Carbonero confirms the separation of Iker Casillas for 11 years

Spain /

The world of football and the farándula this week with the rumor of the separation of Iker Casillas and his partner of 11 years, the periodist, Sara Carbonero. Y luego de varias horas de incertumbre, fue la misma Sara, who has his sister social networks, confirm the sad notice.

With emotional words for Iker, and the family that formed, Carbonero say goodbye to your relationship, donde together enjoy glories, titles and excitements, but also important complications such as the cancer she has left the driveway that provoked Casillas dijera adiós a las canchas.

Hoy nuestro amor de pareja toma distantos firen pero no lejanos puesto que seguiremos juntos en la maravillosa tarea de seguir siendo padres dedicated as you have now the hecho hecho. It’s a very meditative decision and we’ll agree with each other “, part of the lines that Sara has Instagram..

The notice, obviously, abarca todad las portadas de revistas y diarios en España y gran parte del mundo, although it is the main topic of conversation in spectacle and social media.

Iker, of 39 years and Sara, of 37, ten dos hijos, Martin and Lucas of 7 and 4 years respectively. Comment on the relationship to the principles of 2010. If they are recorded by that romantic moment where the interviewer despises the World Cup of South Africa and al no power hablar de la emotion, se besan in vivo en televisión.

Together they form 4 different types of rubrics, foundations, fashion, football and image.

Apenas 6 months ago, the couple flew to Madrid luego de 5 años viviendo en Portugal, which facilitates the decision to separate, to be more close to his family and friends. Although the reasons for this decision are unknown.

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