Sao Paulo suffers from critical criticism of drugs for intubation, alert authorities

Sao Paulo, 15 April 2021 (AFP) -Brazilian authorities are alerting juveniles to the lack of critical evidence for medical intubation in public health centers in the state of Sao Paulo and expressing concern over the collapse of the Middle East.

A report by the Council of Municipal Secretaries of Health of the State of Sao Paulo (Cosems-SP) reveals that 68% of the red municipal centers do not have neuroblocators – necessary to relax the muscles during the intubation process – and 61% with its sedans reserves.

“The analysis of the dates of April 13, in comparison with the April 5, shows the aggravation of the situation of the reserves of medicines for intubation”, relates the information.

“We are from 40 days sending cards to the Ministry of Health with this alert and helping you. (…) These are important medicines to help patients” who have an intubation, they are the secretary of health of Sao Paulo, Jean Gorinchteyn, interviewed by GNews.

Gorinchteyn informs that a new cargo of medicines should read these jews, without embarrassment hizo hincapié in that it is essential agilizar the medical examiner debited to the demand generated by the high number of cases of covid-19, and responsible to the Ministry of Health of impose the purchase of direct payments directly from the manufacturers.

The governor of Sao Paulo, Joao Doria, informed on Twitter that the allegations against the Ministry of Health “were ignored”, and that his decision was looking for alternatives to buy these medicines in the international market.

Brazil live months recording an increase in contagios and deaths by covid-19.

Sao Paulo, the most populous state (45.9 million), accounts for a movable property of 15,000 cases and 773 deaths per day, according to the Ministry of Health.

The state accumulates 2.6 million homes and 85,475 homes, with a rate of 186 deaths per 100,000 residents, superior to the national health of 172 deaths per 100,000 residents.

At the end of the day, 86.4% of the intensive care units were occupied, while some hospitals announced the reduction of beds due to the lack of beds.

In Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, there were also very affected by the second pandemic in Brazil, both surgeons reported the lack of drugs for intubation.

Local media report on Wednesday that a hospital in Rio de Janeiro would need to hospitalize some patients who, while intubated, would suffer from a lack of health.

Brasilië, with 212 million inhabitants, surpasses these 360,000 coronavirus deaths and continues to be the second largest city with absolute number of deaths, beyond the United States (564,400).

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