Santiago Solari, Satisfied With America’s Pesar Del Poco Spectacular

Mexico City /

Although America sublíder de la classifación, su nivel de juego no termine for convener a la afición, pero Santiago Solari is satisfied with the work that hicieron the players for win Tijuana by 2-0.

“Each party is a different world and has to do what it takes to win and it is not possible to compare the parties because all the games are one and the same. hoy era uno muy besondere por las conditions y hoy para ganar hicimos bien las cosas y vale la pena distacar el esfuerzo”, Dijo Solari at the press conference.

‘We are a team and we are against a very good rival hemos competido bien and hay that detach the action and compromise of the players and the party fue muy bueno in general, no only of us also of the rival ”.

Roger Martínez’s party result

Santiago Solari deshizo en elogios para Roger Martínez, which has nothing to do with hizo gol tuvo varia actions of victimization, showing a different activity to what is happening in the past.

‘Hay Roger jugo de nueve e hizo un gran partido, shows that he is a footballer with many characteristics in all of the sentiments, Henry also and Viñas is a great delantero and has played poquito because of a lesion and I find that all are good delanteros and the tres me convencen ”.
