Santiago Solari pinta to surpass its antecesores in Mexico

The apple Solari have side recurrent in the mexican football y Santiago build a truck to give a glass that will not store its antecesores, because the first turn of the trainer of the trainer America off Mexico ha sido un cuento de hadas.

Hasta la Jornada 14, las Águilas de Santiago suman 34 unidades y con 3 partidos más de Fase Regular en el horizononte, pueden rebasar la marka de puntos que hizo el America de su tío Jorge en el Verano 97, when it was superlied with 37 units.

Pero Jorge Solari was quenched in that pork was eliminated in Final Quarters, lie that en el torneo gereelde acumuló 11 victorias, las mismas que ya logró Santiago en este Guard1anes 2021.

De hecho, el America summaries 37 units and series leader in solitary confinement of not because the quitaron the triumph of the Fecha 7 against the Atlas, pues ganaron 2-0 pero en la mesa les adjudicaron una derrota de 3-0 por una rigurosa pena por einbida, luego de que Federico Viñas only calento with the team without having been registered for the encounter. Antes de ello solo habían perdido contra Rayados in the Jornada 2.

There are 4 more points, Santiago superará a su tío Jorge, more than that also has the potential to empathize with the brand of more points in short turns, of 43, aun when it was established the America of Apertura 2002 in 19 days because he has 20 teams, when the Eagles were led by Mario Carrillo and Manuel Lapuente.


Antes de dirigir al America, Jorge “Indio” Solari played in Torreón in 1972 and was retired after that time, to return to Mexico and direct the Tecos without pen or glory, so that in the mention of Verano 97 they will steal in front of las Águilas.

Eduardo Solari, father of Santiago, also directed in Mexico to Atlas, Celaya, Morelia and Rayados, pero en ningún torneo trascendió como ahora lo est haciendo su hijo Santiago, in a club of mayor relevance.

For its part, Esteban Solari, hermano de Santiago, también destacó en su primer torneo en Mexico to play in the Final with the Pumas in the 2007 Aperture, more than that in his stadium hizo 25 goals in 40 games.
