Santiago Solari meets with the power to direct Real Madrid

The coach of the United States of America is looking forward to Santiago Soalri in the first place of his experience in the MX League.

The eccentric of Americas Miguel Herrera exits his successor at Real Madrid’s ex, Santiago Solari, sin embargo, fiel a su costumbre, no tuvo filters al senalar que el ‘indiecito’ “se encontron con la suerte” de dirigir a la plantilla blanca.

“The cartel won direct to Real Madrid, because he was not led by another lad, and was confronted with the suertir to lead the Real Madrid first team. It’s a situation where we can pay a lot, which is good because it has the power to lead the best teams in the world and it is the cartel that it has, ”said the Argentine, who did not want to be Real Madrid coach Castilla ‘directs the first team to the large of 32 parties and to have a balance of 22 triumphs, ocho derrotas and dos empates.

By another lad, interviewed for ESPN, el ‘Piojo’ resaltó su amor por el club azulcrema, which has a wealth of stages and obtains in its passage of the titles of League MX, a Copa MX and a Champion of Champions.

“Ojalá que le vaya muy bien porque I hope that America will always have a very good life, mientras no tenga equipo found me in a sequel to America and the Atlantic that there are different divisions and they are allowed to die on these teams, even though many of them will be responding to the news as soon as the last day they meet “, dijo.

It also takes time to send a message to its detractors, who will question all their decisions, even if the level of logos is one of the most important in the history of the team.

“I’m gusto haber quedado ya in los libres de ese gran club, en la historia, porque les duela o no a muchos, les moleste a otros lo que se hizo en el térnie technic del club ahí van a estar por manyos años and we hope that there will be excitements “, he concluded.

Roger Martinez has no interest in showing

In respect of the relationship you had with Roger Martinez, which has been one of the most criticized delinquents during the last years, and inside the canal he did not get the 15 million dollars that the team paid for its services, signaled that the relationship was broken when he died. on the camp and day escape the opportunities that are received in the long run of the last year, in which he was beaten by some clubs, but no one was allowed to offer an important offer to the team.

“If at the moment there is a need to compromise with the club, with its partners and with the technical team, it will not be possible and no action will be taken to determine the determination to recover from the efforts of its partners”.

“The first turn in the one that reads these things very well, nevertheless read the possibility of going to Europe y ahí se desconcentró; the directive concedes the opportunity of everlasting irre and when huibera a good offer the cual never read, only one offer prestam of Europe per the directive fue muy clear when decrame no saldria, hub a very important offer from MLS y no quiso ir para allá, we also have an offer from Brazil and we are not going to Brazil“.

“If the relationship between Roger and the club begins to break through all these extravagant distractions, then physically it will not be established at 100% until it is necessary and the final term of termination of this slave to the one who molests me no sea reciprocate with the effort of his companions “concluyo”.
