Santiago ‘Sachi’ Escobar hoy: habló de su cancer de prostate, su tratamiento y el fútbol como medicina | Colombians in the Exterior

On December 23, 2020, a day before Christmas, Santiago Escobar will diagnose prostate cancer. The surprise notice to the Colombian coach, which was sent to the Catholic University of Ecuador; and although the posterior days had many difficult assimilations, his family, his friends and football, he was fortunate enough to follow adelante and live his life with normalcy and a lot of motivation.

“During the pandemic I was not able to go to Medellin, I was not seen with my wife, with my husband, with my husband, they always understood my profession and accepted me. I was very disappointed with the time I spent in Medellín, I must have received the notice. Fueron muy duros esos primos días, pero iban pasando esos días digierí, acepté y se lo entregué a Dios. Hoy estoy con buena actitud, rodeado de mis amigos y mi familia, que me han accompanien in este process ”, reveló el ‘Sachi’ en dialog with the ‘Vbar Caracol’.

Escobar states that “the 12th of January started treatment, with medication and hormonal block. The 25th of February will return to Medellín and during these months there will be radiotherapy sessions. Luego, is in a process of 3 years to have a good recovery ”.

‘Sachi’ thanks to the support he received at the Catholic University. “The recipient was emotional and special. With the young players we have a working time and there is empathy and a strong relationship with them; in the human being he has done much and in the competitive también. Fue lindo volver, estar en mi passion, que es el fútbol, ​​llevo 22 años y no he descansado; hy sido un afortunado al mantenerme vigente. I want to lead for a long time, I have enthusiasm and I do well at this moment ”, says Escobar, hermano de Andrés, the mythical defender who was hired in 1994.

“My wife and I are the ones who have lost their fortune in Ecuador. When a person has already spoken to me, he tells me that I am apprehensive about my work, although I have much displeasure with them, I feel sorry for him that I agree and support him, accepting that he is happy. To the best of my ability I would like to be at home more often, but I think the opposite ”, assures ‘Sachi’ Escobar, who hopes to lead the first teams of his team in the Copa Libertadores.
