Santiago Cáseres has a team! jugará cedido en Vélez

Argentina /

The Argentine mediocampista, Santiago Cáseres, want to play with Vélez Sarsfield during this 2021. Luego de que America geen quiso comprar su carta al Villarreal, el Submarino Amarillo the accommodation in which some were at home.

Cáseres takes place one year with the Eagles, and in December will be eliminated Concachampions was discharged and left without a team, by the way he Villarreal you have to work to find a club that suits you.

The agreement between Vélez and Villarreal is based on a preamble to the year, as it will be part of the plan that disputes the Argentine league, la Copa Libertadores, torneo en el que El Fortín is installed during the Group Phase.

Con America jugó 22 partidos entre el Clausura 2020 y el Torneo Guar1anes 2020, torneo en el batalló para poder estar bien fisicamente, pues tras el paroni mes varies mes la pandemia sufrió con el sobrepeso.
