..Gema Maldonado.
The men who are dedicated to the health sector in Spain are gaining a media share of 24% more than sanitation, a patronage, the wage break in health care, which is repeated in 29 other European countries analyzed in a study conducted by the Lenstore Company. There are wage differentials between men and women in countries such as the United Kingdom and Portugal, giving them a 32% increase; Germany, with a difference of cases of 25%, Italy with 23% and France, while sanitary facilities give 21% more than their partners. Luxembourg and Belgium are the least common gender pay gap, at 4%.
In 30 European countries, sanitation is less than that of men in the health sector
This study shows that 77% of the people who work in health care in Spain are women and 55% of those who are licensed in medicine own medicine as well as women. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) of 2019, 68% of all colleges in the health sector are women: 598,990 out of 877,361. Hecho, they are the most numerous in 14 of the 16 sanitary professions. 84.2% of nurses and more than the number of doctors, 51.6% are women.
What are the menus?
Therefore, the predominant women in the health sector by the salaries of its male partners are 25% higher. How can I explain? Se pueden hallar varias razones. On the one hand, the professions such as nursing assistants, technicians and nurses, most of whom are patient-centered, are covered by women and the reimbursements of these work are more important than those of physicians.
In Spain, 68% of colleagues in sanitary professions are women. 84.2% of nurses and some more in the field of medicine, 51.6% are women
On the other hand, the women occupy less loads of superior scales inside the medicine and the examination. La Dra. in Molecular Biology Marisol Soengas, Vice President of Asia and Investigator of the National Center for Oncology Investigations (CNIO) reports that “There are fewer women who are capable of leadership and those who are capable, like service journals, have paid salaries”. In the specialty of oncology, which the investigator knows more, “Part of the salary is due to the guards who can and will probably have women who are guards”. Familiar conciliation for the sake of marriage in other families a little more for them than for them.
Moreover, although public health salaries are stable at professional levels, they are always involved in the private sector, more open to bargaining. “In public research centers there are laboratory scales and the base salary is similar, in hospitals too, but the private company is different and has a break in the contract”. This is the explanation given by Dra. Soengas. At its research center “There is flexibility in salary, here comes a bargain”, añade.
Marisol Soengas: “There are fewer women who are capable of leadership and are capable, like service journals, have paid salaries”
This is the last point, the negotiation, also has to be with a sexist society. Different studies have shown that there are fewer salary increases among women. Unas investigations signal that they do not suelen negotiate their sueldos as it hacen them. Others, hablan de que cuando lo hacen, geen logran resultados nie.

According to the professor of Economics and Business Studies of the University of Catalonia (UOC) in an article of this educational institution, the women have ten educational and staff conditions that limit them. The women “They say that modesty is respected and that it is not sober”. Other reasons to prefer not to breastfeed because you want to breastfeed “favors” while taking moments of your life to be able to get along with your family.
Familiar conciliation for the health of his family and other relatives more than the sanitary facilities for them
Desigualdades y puestos de liderazgo
Marisol Soengas leads the CNIO Melanoma Group and works actively with the Aseica Women Investigators Group. Create that it is not easy to reverse the inequalities in medicine and science. “Arrastramos decades of desigualdad y, although empieza has groups of women and hay changes, they are very slow”. In the pursuit of cancer, only two dozen liability lawsuits have been filed by women, according to Asia. Indeed, investigators find themselves in disparate situations.
This has been reflected in the recent Liderazgo Feminine journals in Oncology, organized by the Center for Biomedical Research in Red Cancer (Ciberonc) and Aseica-Mujer. One of the months of debate accounts with investigators in different phases of his career, since the initiative has taken a consolidated position. And all have one factor in common.
The reality is that there are many women in science, but “we know each other and we have less visibility”
“All of these cases are related to situations of inequality or discrimination. Those who believe in mentoring problems or lack of referrals; we encounter problems in order to obtain scientific summonses and when the consequences are of minor importance, it is studied, as long as it is evaluated differently, the same curriculum is from a male to a female ”, explains the Dra. Soengas.
The reality is that there are many women in science, but “We know ours and we have our visibility”, apunta. Hi many examples. Now, in a pandemic, it is most easy to see in medical and scientific communication media men talking about different aspects of Covid-19, even though there are more women owning the medicine. Pero jefes of service, presidents of professional colleges and scientific societies, that suelen owner of portfolios, his, in his majority, men.
Have any work from “Concerned that there is a problem”, afirma Soengas, “And you have to involve the men too”. Poco a poco hay associations and entities “that are inclusive perspective of gender. It is not enough to quarrel, but to associate and take action because of actions that can be committed ”, concludes.