Sandals Resorts’ reopening of the Mid-Coronavirus pandemic begins difficult

A COVID-19 outbreak, angry customers and a public battle with local government.

For a holiday resort chain that promises a ‘hassle-free holiday’, Sandals Resorts seems to be plaguing them.

Earlier this week, the Ministry of Health in Barbados withdrew the Sandals Barbados Resort and Spa as an official ‘quarantine hotel’ – one of the few places where newcomers can stay on the island while awaiting the outcome of two negative PCR tests needed to move around the island freely. In a statement, the ministry cited several “verified complaints” about violations of the COVID-19 protocol at the 280-room, all-inclusive resort, and warned that it would take “similar actions” against any property other than the island. does not maintain its rules. and regulations. It also announced the arrest of three tourists suspected of violating quarantine rules.

Hours later, the Jamaican hotel chain fired back with its own statement, claiming it was blinded by the government’s announcement. The resort claimed to have refuted all allegations of protocol violations in writing and requested a meeting with the health ministry, and was “surprised” to find out in the local press about the delisting.

“We hope that the Minister of Tourism, the Minister of Health and the Chief Medical Officer, who have not yet been to our hotel to implement the protocols, can prioritize a visit to it,” the resort said unusually. acrobatic statement to Barbados Today.
