San Valentín, the victim who was executed on February 14


Every 14 February, the world celebrates the celebrations of the day of “San Valentín” or “Amor y la amistad”. Let’s take a look at the story:

On February 14, 278, in Rome, it was executed sakerdoot Valentín, condemned to death by desecrating a prohibition on celebrating matrimony imposed by the Emperor Claudio II.

In those times of battling warriors, Claudio wanted to form a great military force for his empire. Without embarrassment, the difficulties to be met by soldiers led him to suppose that the novels were unstable to unite in the debit he had to do to his relatives and families.

The emperor’s solution was drastic: banning compromises and compromises in Rome. Valentine’s Supper, in disarray with the Immediate Medes of the Emperor, Continued celebrating matrimony secretly.

He was found dead, arrested and sentenced to death. La sentencing took place on 14 February: el sacerdote fue assesinado a golpes y decapitado. Luego de su muerte, Valentín fue numbered santo.

The legend also states that San Valentín gave a note of delivery to the cell of the cellar, with which he established a friendship, and the firm “De tu Valentín”.
