San Juan Cancuc, the people who want to be vaccinated against covid-19


The inhabitants of the indigenous population of San Juan Cancuc, in the Mexican state of Chiapas (sur), reiterate the possibility of applying the vaccine against covid-19, inform the local authorities.

In an official sent to the sanitary authorities of the zone, the public spokesman, José López, made sure that the decision was made daily and that the more than 24,000 workers decided not to vacunarán.

“Only voluntary persons who wish to apply for the vacancy”, said the official in his written address to a local representative of the sanitary authorities, known to the AFP este viernes.

López signaled that the 28th of January saw an assembly with municipal assistants and the committees of health of the communities, where the benefits and possible effects of the adversaries were explained. biological.

“In San Juan Cancuc, there will be no evacuation campaign against covid-19 in the application stage for the adult mayor and no other stage,” the Alcalde said, adding in the killers’ arguments.

In communities like San Juan Cancuc, of maya tseltal population, many decisions are taken by the “Usos y Costumbres” system, this is an autobiographical indigenous one that civil authorities suelen respect.

These localities have their own health committees and also have peace of mind and reconciliation.

Following a 2020 census in Mexico, 7.3 million people hablan alguna lengua indiggena, main criterion for determining the identity of this sector of the population.

Various indigenous leaves of Chiapas fueron staged the year of the assassination, tras the diffusion of false rumors that negate the existence of covid-19 or accuse the authorities of saving the median fumigation viruses.

Some of the residents included are organizing to facilitate the health care step that will lead to information and prevention operations regarding the pandemic.

Mexico was the first Latin American country to apply for a vaccine against covid-19 on December 24, following the same day, in Chile and Costa Rica.

Only now has the formula of the German-German company been used Pfizer / BioNTech to equip the sanitary staff of all the countries and masters of the state of Campeche (sur).

Mexico, of 126 million inhabitants, currently has 1,899,820 registered cases of illness and 162,922 deaths.
