San Juan Cancuc: A people in Chiapas rehusa to be vaccinated against coronavirus

Residents of San Juan Cancuc, in the Mexican State of Chiapas, passed 6 February.
Residents of San Juan Cancuc, in the Mexican State of Chiapas, passed 6 February.ISAAC GUZMAN / AFP

A native Mexican newspaper has rebelled against vacancies related to the covid-19 pandemic. The San Juan Cancuc authorities, located in the mountains of the State of Chiapas, were informed of an official document that in the 45 municipalities that comply with the municipality were not allowed the population to evacuate against the covid-19, pesar de that Mexico is currently holding records of contagious deaths in the new coronavirus.

José López López, Municipal President of San Juan Cancuc, informed February 1 through an office to the sanitary authorities, which in an assembly held on the 28th of January with representatives of the municipalities that conform to its locality, discuss about the “adverse effects” of the vacancies in the population, by which to decide “in a more mayoral manner” than in the poblado does not take place in the cabo “ninguna” vacation camp, nor for the seniors or other residents of San Juan. The document is registered, without embarrassment, that individuals oppose the controversial decision and show their willingness to be evacuated. The official sent to Octavio Coutiño jefe from the district of Salud of the region of San Cristóbal de las Casas.

Local authorities believe that the pandemic has not affected its communities, belongs to the Mayan ethnic group, and because of this has caused the alarms that are generated in the rest of the country, with more than 166,000 failures per year and in the case of millions of contagious. These papers are governed by a form of autonomous governing body, in which case the decisions take place in meetings with the public and are based on their indigenous churches and customs.

Chiapas is one of the most visited cities in Mexico. 76% of its population is in a state of poverty and more than 30% in extreme poverty, according to the 2018 National Council for the Evaluation of the Policy of Social Development (Coneval). Only 5% of the residents as considered as poor. In various municipalities, its workers have reviewed the strategies that the sanitary authorities have used to make the front end to the covid. En el municipio Venustiano Carranza, a local authority, and julio morían 20 persons as a diario. El Gobierno municipale voorneme – adopt medidas as the leader of negotiations, pero the inhabitants enardecidos lo impidieron and as medida de protest quemaron la alcaldía.

Other San Juan Cancuc officials reacted to the decision to remove the municipal leaflets from the evacuation campaign and said that the result was a lack of information about the evacuation of vacancies, even from the federal government. to evacuate when dose doses are listed. “It’s bad (..) because information (hacen creates that) the vacenas traen enfermedades” and that if they inject the “va a pasar algo”, afirmó Marcelino García, director of Protección Civil del municipio, ‘n France Press.

The Gobierno of Mexico has announced an ambitious push for vacancies. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador — who echoed his remarks at the press conference this morning while being co-opted — informed him that this week he was paying a million euros for the AstraZeneca vaccine and the University of Oxford. of 77 million vacancies he negotiated with the pharmaceutical. Mexico has also signed contracts to acquire 35 million doses of Chinese CanSino, 24 million of the Russian Sputnik V and more than 34.4 million of Pfizer, the first vaccine to be applied to medical staff, for which second dose followed due to abatement problems.

The Gobierno also hosted an Internet site for major adults to register for the evacuation campaign, although the site collapsed in the first hours due to the high registration request, informs the health secretary, Hugo López- Gatell, ‘n vrag de la gubernamental a la emergencia causada por la pandemia. This system has been criticized by organizations such as Amnistía Internationale, which the former denounces as excluding “a large part of the population” which does not belong to the Clave Unica de Registro de Población (CURP), required to apply during the registration process in the web site. Other bodies have also announced the exclusion of many sectors of the population in Mexico with no access to the Internet, as is the case in the indigenous regions of Chiapas.
