San Diego man is positive for UK variant of COVID-19 | News

A San Diego man without travel outside the province tested positive for the COVID-19 variant first identified in the UK, the County Health and Human Services Agency announced today.

The man was tested on 29 December after two days of symptoms, and the results show a characteristic pattern suggesting that it may be the new British strain. The sample was immediately sent to Scripps Research and the order of the whole genome determined on 30 December that it was the British variant, also known as B.1.1.7.

The patient is not being admitted to the hospital and is currently isolated. The province’s case investigation has identified household contacts who are being quarantined for the new coronavirus. The man had little interaction with people outside his household, although it was potentially contagious.

“The B.1.1.7 tribe is here, and San Diegans can protect themselves from doing the same things they have been asked to do since the pandemic began,” said Eric McDonald, MD, MPH, medical director of County Epidemiology said. and Immunization Services branch. ‘Everyone should stay home and avoid any gatherings over the New Year holidays. The best way to celebrate is to make sure everyone stays healthy by 2021. ”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the British strain is one of the many COVID-19 variants identified around the world.

There is evidence that the new strains can be more easily spread, but it is not believed that these variants cause more serious diseases or increase the risk of death.

At present, it is also believed that the vaccines currently available provide protection against emerging variants. Scientists continue to study the new strains of the new coronavirus to determine their potential impact.

man with face mask on
Wearing a face mask protects you and others from COVID-19.

As the new strain has a higher transmission rate, this may lead to an increase in cases in the region. With New Year’s Eve tomorrow, provincial health officials tell San Diegans to do the following now more than ever:

  • Wash your hands
  • Wear a mask
  • Keep away from others and leave your household only for essential activities
  • If you are ill, you should be tested and then stay at home and be isolated

ICU capacity and stay at home order:

  • The current intensive care unit (ICU) bed availability for the Southern California region is now 0.0% and will be updated daily by the state.
  • The Regional Stay Home Order is in effect and prohibits meetings of any size with people from other households and adds restrictions for various sectors.
  • The order will last until the ICU availability of the region reaches or exceeds 15%.

Community Institutions:

  • 11 new community outbreaks were confirmed on December 29: four in business institutions, four in day care / preschool / child care institutions, one in a TK-12 school environment, one in food / beverage processing and one in hotel / resort / spa institution.
  • In the past seven days (December 23 to December 29), 55 community outbreaks have been confirmed.
  • The number of community outbreaks remains within seven days above the trigger of seven or more.
  • An outbreak in a community over the past 14 days is defined as three or more COVID-19 cases in an area and in people from different households.


  • 23,957 tests were reported to the province on December 29, and the percentage of new laboratory-confirmed cases was 10%.
  • The current average percentage of positive cases of 14 days is 10.8%. The target is less than 8.0%.
  • The daily average of 7 days, is 21,645.
  • People at higher risk for COVID-19 who are with or without symptoms should be tested. People with any symptoms should be tested. Healthcare and essential workers should also get a test, as well as people who have had close contact with a positive cause or live in communities that are greatly affected. Those who have recently returned from travel, or who have participated in holiday events, are also requested to be tested.


  • 2448 new cases were reported to the County on December 29th. The total of the region is now 152,512.
  • 5,826 or 3.8% of all cases required hospitalization.
  • 1 213 or 0.8% of all cases and 20.8% of the hospital cases had to be admitted to an intensive care unit.


  • 37 new deaths from COVID-19 were reported to the province on 29 December. The total of the region is now 1,472.
  • 21 men and 16 women died between December 17 and December 28 and their ages ranged from mid-50s to early 100s.
  • Had 30 underlying medical conditions and seven had medical history pending.

More information:

The more detailed summaries of the data found on the website are updated daily around 5pm.
