San Antonio, surrounding areas, are receiving thousands of COVID-19 vaccines this week. Here they are on their way.

In the third week of COVID-19 vaccine awards, according to the Department of Health, 23,975 doses of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine will be sent to Bexar County hospitals.

The Bexar County hospitals that will receive the delivery include the University Health System, Christ Children’s Hospital of San Antonio and Christ Santa Rosa Medical Center, Methodist Hospitals and the UT Health San Antonio Clinic, Wellness 360. The vaccines are reserved for priority populations.

Other counties in the area that receive vaccine doses include Dimmit, Gonzales, Kerr, Medina and Wilson.

Health officials said the allocation of vaccines is likely to increase as supply increases with greater production and more FDA-approved vaccines.

Due to the currently limited supply of the vaccine, the vaccine is currently only administered to frontline healthcare workers, long-term caregivers and residents, people over the age of 65 and people who are at least 16 with at least one underlying medical condition.

State health officials believe the vaccine will be offered to the general public from the spring of 2021.

Check out the week 3 vaccines:

The Texas Department of Health and Human Services is keeping track of the distribution of the vaccine and how many have been vaccinated so far. Hundreds of similar facilities across the state are receiving shipments, it appears.

Data on the distribution and administration of vaccines are compiled from each country by the state and the dashboard is updated daily, whenever possible, depending on when the data is reported.

So far, vaccines have only been distributed to certain hospitals in the state, giving preference to front-line health workers who are regularly exposed to the virus.

Read more about vaccines on

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CVS administers COVID-19 vaccine to residents of old age homes, employees from Monday

KSAT explains: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccines

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