Sammy Sosa dio fuertes declarations sober si va o no al Salón de la Fama

The ex-judge of the MLB, Sammy Sosa, made some statements about the votes to living room and that all indicates that there is no irie allí.

Sosa have different years in the balls for the Salon de la Fama, without embarrassment, all indications are that there will be no debit and no more than 40%.

Here is the report:

Sammy Sosa bateo de por vida para 272 con 609 jonrones, 1667 carreras remolcadas, 234 bases robadas, 2408 hits y 1475 carreras anotadas.

The “Slammy” episode features 7-star all-star, 1-time regular season MVP and 6-hour record, in addition to leading Grand Leagues dos veces como líder de jonrones.

For many people the career of Sosa is ready to enter dicho salon ya que fue el primer latino by connecting 600 jonons in the MLB and is an icon of the Dominican Republic
