Salvadoreño Ronnie Aguilar starred in Space Jam

The salvadorean ballad player, Ronnie Aguilar, informs that he will be part of the elec- tion of the animated animated space Jam: A New Legacy. The post of 2.16 will be part of the new “Monstarz”, will take place at the press conference on the pre-classification at the FIBA ​​2023 World Cup.

“In the Covid-19 pandemic, everything has changed and there is the opportunity to make a work of it even more regrettable, it’s sure that you’ve been talking about Michael Jordan’s Space Jam, because you can form part of the Space Jam 2 movie Have a great opportunity, create and see Space Jam and now form part of Space Jam 2 “, dijo.

The Salvadoran national team has announced that its character will be the villain in the protagonist of LeBron James and Looney Toones.

Ronnie Aguilar will form part of the meeting that will represent El Salvador in the 2013 World Cup preclassification with José Adolfo Pineda from San Salvador from April 15 to 19.


  • Ronnie Aguilar
  • Space Jam a new legacy
  • Space Jam 2
