Salvador helaas, “La Choly”, renunci a su cargo en el Gobierno como Commissioner de la Juventud | El Salvador News

Bukele said on Twitter that he would not be replaced and that the cargo would be eliminated from the Presidency structure. The inauguration took place on December 23, 2020, but it was almost announced by the mandate.

Salvador Alas, known in the media as “La Choly”, renounced his cargo in the government cabinet as the Juventud Commissioner, the one who was appointed by the President of the Republic, Nayib Bukele, in 2019 through the execution .

Bukele dio to know the reunion of Alas. Dijo took to Twitter that he accepted the resignation on December 23, 2020, and his cargo was not occupied by anyone else, since it will be bored of the Presidency’s structure.

Según el mandatario, Alas volverá a trabajar en el ambito de la radiodifusión.

The number of La Choly, which carries on its load the formulation of youth projects as part of the second phase of the Gobierno security plan, has generated strong criticisms of the part of the population.

You may be interested in: “La Choly” and other officials of the governor during his visit to La Campanera

In social networks users are constantly signaling that dicho cargo reflects “one of the worst decisions of the Bukele governor” of assigning responsibilities to people who have no appetite for the cargo. The radio locomotive was also heavily criticized by the devil.

Bukele also announced that Luis Rodríguez, former President of the Strategic Projects Committee of the Presidency, has been named as Director of Peace in the Central American Bance of Economic Integration. For that matter, he will not compete as a candidate for New Ideas in the next elections and his candidacy will be supported.

The mandate will soon announce more changes in the cabinet.

Además: Ministro de Hacienda ontwyk ir a la Asamblea a dar opinie por controversie en decreto para pades Fodes a las alcaldías
