Salutary proposals for the new year 2021

Have a healthy diet: Crucify the week by week

Eating the diet is fundamental, and following a healthy diet should be one of the key proposals of the new year. Fruits and vegetables are harvested in our best allies, but the expert will do the most and launch his support for the cruisers. “Now that we’m more inclined to consume horticultural and fruit consumption directly from crucifers. Rucula, coliflor, boerenkool, broccoli, grelos, nabos, repollo, coles de Bruxelles , our explanations and ours that in order to absorb the sulforaphane – which are found in inactive form in the vertebrae with the molecular form of glucorafanina- tiene that are triturado. “If we break down the broccoli, it activates the enzyme mirosinase and entones our body has the capacity to absorb most of this antioxidant. We can also add semolina to the broccoli and that the mostaza is very rich in mirosinasa”, we have no plan, crucifixes quepan two times a week to benefit from all their properties.

Lee también: Boerenkool, repollo, kol … apunta los motivos para including the crucifixes in your diet
