Salud y Justicia se reünen con juez federa para casa de Intelapualid Discapacidad

The Secretary of the Department of Health (DS) Carlos Mellado López and the Secretary of Justice, Domingo Emanuelli, participate in the status conference and in that case to attend an individual adult with intellectual disability.

The case, which dates from 1999, was presented by the Government of the United States, a group of people with intellectual disabilities who do not receive adequate services for this population.

“Since being nominated by the Gobernador, it has begun to hold meetings with the Federal Monitor in this case, in the manner that we will appoint a party and in all cases. I compromise with the Tribunal and with all the participants in the Intellectual Disability program it is ensured that excellent services are burned in this public and is planned with the directors of the Tribunal ”, scored Mellado López.

At the meeting, Juez Gustavo Gelpí discussed the work and the compromise of the new administration of Gobernador Pedro Pierluisi and Dr. Mellado, and he must be extremely pleased with the advances and the change of tone that he has been living in since 2021.

In addition, the Secretary Mellado, at the meeting attended by the Secretary of Justice, the Principal Legal Assessor of Gobernador, Lcdo. Isaías Sánchez Báez, Gobernador’s representative in the case, Lcda. María del Mar Ortiz, as well as lawyers representing the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Department of Health. Formally, the Lcdo participated. Alfredo Castellanos, Monitor Federal, y el Lcdo. Richard Farano, who represents the Governor of the United States in this case. At the DS personal participation conference.

“There was an all-inclusive conference between the parties, the federal monitor and the honorable Juez Gelpí who called on the Department of Health, the Justice and the governor of Puerto Rico to correct ponerle vin al mismo. Demonstrate, moreover, the interests of this governor in protecting the interests of the participants in a program of health aunts envergadura in the life of our people ”, declared on his part, the Secretary of Justice.

Finally, the Secretary of Health assures that, “this server and my work team will continue to work inconveniently on all participants of the program. It is possible to comply with all these requirements of the General Court, in such a way that we can guarantee the necessary resources and services for this community. We continue to lead productive meetings like the one during my incumbent incumbenthood, ”concluded Mellado López.

The recommendation:
