Salud reveals the protocols for pre-school education

The designated Secretary of Health, mentioning that there will be fires that the Department of Health reveals the guises for the opening of schools, which should start the March March with the insistences of Governor Pedro Pierluisi.

The CDC, like the federal agency, recommends a guide. These are the tenemos and they are in the public domain. There are some who believe that there is a protocol. We have this protocol. Certainly, if you are analyzing it, it takes time as the past week for the CDC to change its mind because it is very dynamic. For this reason, in every state and territory the toca implements the public policy of coma va ser. And if you decide to have this guy who is quite intelligent follow this guy, or if you want to establish another one, ”said Mellado López at a press conference.

“As public policy, the governor of Puerto Rico has prioritized education. Dijo nosotros queremos tener alternativa presensial. It is based on a petition from the private sector and public schools. In this regard, the Department of Health is one of the leaders of the CDC, which updates every week and creates a protocol. This protocol is tenemos ya ”, added.

Mellado López states that these fires reveal the contents of these protocols.

On the other hand, the title of Salud was about the return of the fleet of vehicles that Puerto Rico had experimented with in the global warming that it associated with the United States.

“At the moment, this week we have not received vacancies due to the current situation in the United States”, said Mellado López.

“We always receive martyrs, mercenaries and Jews. These vacuums are always ultracongelated while alive because they have not been active since the end of the week and can not be transported if they are not used. We live in Puerto Rico, we live in our homes, ”he added.

Explain that patients have ten citations, “we communicate with patients to notify them of citations”. It is mentioned that the only ones that monitor the evacuation process are the National Guard for the second dose of first responders.

The recommendation:
