Salud Pública socializa evacuation plan with faculties and medical schools

The authorities of the Ministry of Public Health are meeting with the Dominican Association of Faculties and Schools of Medicine (Adofem) to present the evacuation plan against COVID-19 that the governing body is implementing.

Following a press release, Plutarco Arias, Minister of Public Health, captured the encounter and considered “great importance” that medical term students call “national compromise”.

The Deputy Minister of Health Collective, Ivelisse Acosta, demonstrated that in addition to the “active communication” during the vacancy day, there is a “significant number” of citizens who do not receive the vacancy.

“Exhortation is for the whole population: hay que vacunarse”, oorweg.

Mientras Eddy Pérez Toe, assessor of the Ministry of COVID-19, and the Deputy Minister and Coordinator of Provincial Directorates and Health Areas, Fernando Ureña, coincided with the governor continuing to promote the vacation in the country.

In this study, too, Eladio Pérez Antonio, Director-General of Health Situation Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation of Results in the Ministry of Public Health; the Deputy Minister of Guarantee of Quality, José Matos; Hilario Reyes Pérez, Director of Residencias Médicas del Ministerio de Salud.

For the universities, the president and vice-president of the Dominican Adofemsocición de Facultades y Escuelas de Medicina, Miguel Polonio Reyes and Miguel Robiou, respectively.

In the same way, the deans representing the universities Marcos Núñez, of the Iberoamericana (Unibe); William Duke, of the Pedro Henríquez Ureña (Unphu) National; Mary Anne Butler, of the Pontifical Catholic University Madre y Maestra (PUCMM): and Rosell Fernández, of the Autonomous de Santo Domingo (UASD).
