Salud not supervised the administration of the vehicles COVID-19

The Department of Health will deliver these months covering the vacancies of COVID-19 in cases, without requiring the justification of who the recipients are administering the dose and by whom.

There is also a certificate issued by the Secretary of Health and the person responsible for evacuation, the Dra. Iris Cardona, in response to the request filed by the Center for Investigative Periodism (CPI) soliciting the dates that it may have and use to tax the proceeds to comply with the directorates of the immunization process. Secretary Carlos Mellado has also publicly stated that he is investigating cases of evacuees taking place in phase and that he has consequences, without embarrassment, has not specified the number of cases he has invested and has not been done since last week, during the CPI request, which means that a system will be established to increase the number of vacancies with the vacancy directors at the moment only for the adult adults of 65 years.

The CPI published last week that there are tens, thousands of people who have been evacuated since December 15th, the list of priority groups according to the stages established by the Department of Health (DS), including persons of 20, 30 and 40 year olds are exposed to direct virus. During the first three weeks it is expected that only it will be evacuated to the health professionals, and later to the adult adults of 65 years or more. Hasta el lunes se habían vacunado solo 68,000 adultos mayores según dijo a los medios el secretario Mellado, which equates to all 11% of the 600,000 adultos mayores in Puerto Rico.

On the 28th of January, the CPI asked Salud for six weeks soliciting detailed information on the distribution and administration of the vehicles against the COVID-19 in Puerto Rico. The firearms agency has an incomplete information entry. In addition to the List of distribution of vacancies located in each evacuation center, not the Register of Vacancies. The agency has compiled a summary that collects data on 281-entry broad segments, including more than 247,000 individual records of people who, according to them, have vacancies and registered by the 29th of January. This document also includes the basic information base camps as for example the gender and area of ​​residence of each resident. Cardon includes a certification in that it is maintained that, however, there is a DS form in which the data providers are required regarding the vacancy of each administrator, the agency is not soliciting the providers who enter data into the system of Ammunition Information from Salud, by which the DS did not have access to which the persons were evacuated.

The CPI sends an official response to the doctors Mellado and Cardona about why they do not pay the providers the justification for the evacuation, and who will explain the good use of the vacancies without these dates, as far as the closure of this edition is concerned. answer.

In the meantime, Governor Pedro Pierluisi will also issue instructions in March on how to begin the vacancy with the masters in order to start presenting the classes as early as March 3, as well as the first responders, last week Mellado dropped the second atraso in the evacuation of the major adults, who are the most vulnerable to death in the pandemic.

The CPI solicited on request the glossary of the vacancies of COVID-19 and the Register of Vacancies, without personal data of the individuals, with demographic information, residence municipality, center and vacancy clearance and the justification for administering the vacancy . The information provided, specifically to apply for the Petition of the Vacation Register, does not provide the justification or the exact dates of each person to whom the vacancy is administered. Tampoco offers the exact dose in which to receive the vaccine and if it is the first or second dose. Without embargo, in Cardona’s certification sent to the tribunal, the same admits information camps as the oath and time has since been recaptured, and there is no fueron included in the entry.

From the information of the groups of editions that were created, it was found that there were 120 minors aged 17 years, 137,183 between 18 and 49 years and 64,693 people between 50 and 64 years. The justification for these vacancies and similar correspondence with the health care recipients is available.

On December 15, the day in which the vacation in Puerto Rico began, the CPI asked Cardona como Salud insure the correct correction of the dose that iban received by the providers and the staff indicated that each vacation is justified. the phase in a register that the agency is maintaining. According to Dijo, this is due to the supervision of the DS and the participating parties only the podium has been made “respecting this conceptual mark of the vacancy of the first leg to the most necessary”.

¿And how do you tax it ?, asks the CPI.

“Make sure you have a second dose, you have one hull, a register ”, dijo.

The CPI asks if this section is for the “vacancy” that an administrator provides, and the Subscriber responds in the affirmative.

What is this? hull?, inquirió el CPI.

“The person who vacated also reported the dates to the Vacancy Register. In the Vacation Register, there is a platform and there is the identification of the vacancies. It also helps us to identify the adverse elements, if any, ”he said.

There is an official form of the agency called “Consent of Vacancies Administration” which all must ensure that it is completed by each vacancy where the “Classification of the Patient” is established by riesgo (in English “Patient classification by risk group”). In this area it is possible to determine whether the vacancy is justified, following the phase in progress, because it is important to note that there is a health worker who has direct contact with patients, a geriatric center employee, a participant in Medicare Part B or staff of first responders, among others.

Without embargo, Cardona said in the certification that the CPI held that “the information contained in the Vacancy Administration Consent Form is not collected in its entirety by our Vacancy Register”. Ensure that only demographic information is obtained: number, social security, oath, direction and rate and that for that reason no account is given of the information related to the justification for vacancy.

The official also stated in the document presented before the tribunal that “the agency does not agree with the Vacancy Administration’s of all the people who have been evacuated at the time”, which is not required of the providers who are involved in the agency.

“There is no requirement on the part of the Department of Health for the document to be available to the agency, as long as we do not have access to it either physically or digitally. This document is in the possession of the providers, and in many cases, forms part of the medical staff of the patient being evacuated ”, indicated.
