SAG-AFTA permanently bans Donald Trump from readmission

As Donald Trump writes Home only 3 on the specification just to give himself a speaking role, he may want to focus his forces elsewhere. In an announcement released on Sunday, SAG-AFTRA’s national council announced on Saturday that it would adopt a resolution banning the former president from being admitted to the union, citing his opposition to the union’s journalists and disregard for the values ​​and integrity of the trade union ‘.

“Preventing Donald Trump from rejoining SAG-AFTRA is more than a symbolic step,” SAG-AFTRA president Gabrielle Carteris said in a press release. ‘It is a resounding statement that fellow members are not threatened or harmed. An attack on one is an attack on all. ‘

The decision follows Trump’s resignation from the organization on Thursday, when he declared ‘Who cares!’ about SAG’s decision to initiate a disciplinary eviction process against him. Because he knew him, he no doubt adopted today’s news with the same grace, civility, and adornment he was known for before being forced off Twitter after Trump’s riot last month.
