Sadoki Duarte and his previous encounter with agents of the Order

The deputy of the province Sánchez Ramírez, Sadoky Duarte, joined the Palestine lie that it would physically approve an agent of the National Police during an operation.

Without embarrassment, 15 years ago the legislator found himself lying about his life during an incident with members of the LA National Board of Drug Control (DNCD).

El hecho ocurrió in February 2005, when Duarte resulted in herido getting pregnant at the abdomen when he was found in a Cotuí park.

According to the accounts of these entities, agents of the DNCD tenian days looking for Duarte, visiting ancient residences of the deputy.

Días despuets, y medio de un operative antidrogas, la DNCD se encuentra con el deputado en el meniona lugar, donde confiscaron sustancias ilícitas y armas de fuego.

Precisely during this search, Duarte was beaten, even though the agreement with the DNCD was ignited by the legislator, who stated that this is the initial initiative that originated in the incident. However, no matter to the person receiving the impact, the agent will carry out his or her counterattack.


Exactly, the incident that is currently being reported Duarte originated because, in fiscal agreement Francis Valerio, the legislator intended protect alien with connections to this flag.

There was some solid agreement known as “Facobra”, which was described by Valerio as an unintentional reconciliation, which had an order of arrest by the Violence Unit of Gender, and was investigated by the Public Ministry for the sale and trafficking of drugs.

The tax expression that proves the aggression, Duarte the demand to the agents present that release the arrested persons, while they are available to encroach on the car of the detainees. In addition, the deputy hired the agent Disleidy Heredia Figueroa.
